Long-Range Phone Guide 2

Please go on the Download page for moreApplication innovation and details.
1. Privateand Closed Cell Phone Network : 
The user can deploy 3 LC-02/BCentral Base in a range over 60~180Km. Dividing the range into 3areas(say area A, B, and C); each area assigned a base (say Base A, Band C), each base applies a CO line (say line A, B, and C). With themanual ‘roaming’ feature, the user can access or bereached by different phone line service in different area of the range,and thus the phone service in the wide range is covered. The“roaming” among the 3 bases are set manually.


2. As the long range wirelesstelephone system (PABX/KTS) for Service Control Center: Free Cell PhoneCharge


LC-02/BCentral Base cascaded in Control Center for service, patrol, emergencyor monitor ...... CENTER!!

LC-02/H, LC-02/RC and LC-02/Mas the client units of the system, can perform patrol and circularfreely in the area; all the units can share the telephone service andfacility; communicating with one another free of charge; orcommunicating through City phone line with limited charge.


3. Combination usage of PABX :Least Cost Regional Control Center for multi-area (Very limited phonecharge)
  Diagramof Application Scenario

  Purpose and Function for thisapplication
Regional Service Center for multi-area.


There are emergency servicepersonnel and car on road, and engineer for technical support in the24-hour control center, and the dispatcher in each area and regionalcenter. All staffs: servicepersonnel, technical support engineer and dispatcher in each center,need to talk to one another immediately when necessary.

Advantage Target


Least (or without any)cost for internal communication


Immediate andefficient communication


Only One Time Set-upCharge

  Guide and proposal

  Explanationof the proposal
  CommunicationRoute for Dispatcher in Control Center to Control Center:
CO line
à area center PABX àdispatcher in the center

  CommunicationRoute for Dispatcher in Control Center to service personnel in samearea:
LC-02/B à service personnel

  CommunicationRoute for Dispatcher in Control Center to service personnel indifferent area:
CO line
à area center PABX à LC-02/B à service personnel

  CommunicationRoute for service personnel to Control Center in same area:
LC-02/B à dispatcher in thecenter

  CommunicationRoute for service personnel to Control Center in different area:
à PABX à CO line à areacenter PABX à dispatcherin area center

  CommunicationRoute for service personnel to service personnel in same area:
LC-02/B à service personnel

  CommunicationRoute for service personnel to service personnel in different area:
à PABX à CO line à areacenter PABX à LC-02/B à service personnel

1. All service personnel under thesame area can be reached or talk to each other Free of charge.
2. Communication crossing area isvery easy and flexible with very limited charge (only local call).
3. Extremely flexible and easycommunication among all regions internally or externally.
4. Only one time set-up cost; thevery limited communication cost can make it up in a short time whileservice efficiency is highly secured.

Please go on the Download page for more Applicationinnovation and details.