Long-Range Phone Guide 1

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Elementary Application :


Extending telephone servicefrom city to far rural area


Extending telephone servicefrom house to car

Baseunit in the user’s house, telephone line goes in the Baseunit which is paralleled with a Single Line Phone (SLT, i.e. normalphone); Remote unit in the user’s car; so when the user inhouse, he can use the SLT, and when he is driving in car, he can answera call or make a call through LC-01 wirelessly. The radio coverage willbe 20Km~200Km depending on the model and terrain.




ExtendedApplication :


RuralCentral Office : Rural Telephone Service Operator / Provider

Base Unit sits in City area to connectto the telephone line.

Remote Unit sits in far distant area. Thecity telephone line is wirelessly delivered from city Base Unit toRemote unit by radio. Telephone line outputs from Remote unit and goesinto PABX.

PABX (telephone switchingsystem) here is performing as the rural Central Office (PSTN), thedweller in the far rural village can be connected through PABXextension port with a phone in his house and be the rural telephoneservice subscriber.

Resident, the subscriber, cando intercom with other local residents and make outgoing calls throughLC-01 to city to link with the world.

The rural telephone servicesupplier/operator can utilize an auto-attendant for better service anda Billing system to get the phone bill for its subscribersautomatically.


LeastCost Route for Branches

Base Unit sits in Headquarter to connectto the telephone line.

Remote Unit sits in branch office. Thecity telephone line is wirelessly delivered from headquarter Base Unitto branch Remote unit by radio.

Free cost for communication betweenbranch and headquarter. It will be an extremely free communicationamong the offices as they are under the same telephone system.

Headquarter can optionallycombine usage with PABX/KTS, auto attendant, voicemail…. andother service equipments to perform a complete phone network (telephonesystem).


LeastCost Route for International Calls

Base unit in country with lowerPTT cost. Enjoy the low cost of local calls and international calls ofsuch country. PABX, voice mail and …. other devices can beoptionally applied for best services.

Remote unit in country ofhigher PTT cost. PABX, voice mail and …. other devices canbe optionally applied for best services.

Free cost for communicationbetween the two countries. Least cost for international calls to othercountries in the world by utilizing the lower international call costin the country with lower PTT service cost.


RuralPublic Phone ( Call Cabin ) Service

Base unit in city area. Telephone line :IN

Remote unit in far isolated areas: island,farm, mine, village; high mountain… far rural area as the Telecomservice center for phone and fax service.

The call and fax charge can beautomatically and precisely given by metering, polarity reverse, or byin-built time-based call accounting manager; free choices for theservice operator.

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