Tech-Ware Basic Computer Tips

The computer is the most essential tool of an internet business.

Aside from being a general purpose tool capable of doing various tasks, it serves as your window to the world-wide-web. It is your communications command center. The better you know and understand the function of your PC, the higher would be your productivity.

see also home-based computer tips

For starter or level 1 user, you need to master every component of the PC and understand its function. Discover and understand how it works and how to maintain it properly. Click on How PCs Work. If you plan of building your own computer, this guide How to Build a Computer is a good resource replete with video guide and tutorial.

Basic knowledge and maintainance will prove helpful:

• Always use an AVR or power strip/surge protector

• Use an Un-Interruptible Power Supply (UPS) as precaution against losing your work on account of power failure

• Keep your computer cool. Heat and electronics don’t mix well

• We recommend Windows XP Operating System- you’ll like its user-friendly functionality

• Use and regularly update anti-virus software to protect your PC and data files from destructive virus. Choose anti-virus software that accepts updates via the internet.

• Activate (enable) at all times Firewall function to ensure internet security and privacy

• Install Anti-SpyWare software

• Perform regular scandisk and defragging of your computer’s hard drive to optimize space and performance

• Install only programs you need and uninstall less important one’s to maximize the computing resource of your PC. A program consumes space and memory.

• When un-installing programs, use add-remove program tool on the control panel rather deleting them

• Regularly back-up your most important files by copying them into CD or Flash Mobile Disk. You will need them in case your hard drive fails.

• Remember to remove floppy and USB disk from its drive before or after you power-up or down. If it’s infected with a virus, it can infect the boot sector.

• Use the device manager to manage parts and pieces on your PC. You can check whether an installed device such as a LAN Card is functioning properly. If not you can uninstall the driver and let the plug-and-play capability of WinXP do the job of finding and re-installing the driver upon re-start.

• Consider installing Firefox -Mozilla Internet Browser on your PC. Some websites require using them rather than Internet Explorer.

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